Saturday, 23 July 2016

Katy Perry - Rise (Illuminati Antichrist Promo Trailer) RISE OF BEAST SY...

Working in partnership with CEOP Child Exploitation & Online
Protection Command:
The Taylor Swift Charitable Trust UK is run by Swiftie JESUS
CHRIST of PALESTINE; Yehoshua Ha-Mashiach Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson’s (KATY
PERRY) husband, who upholds the LAW & reports to the UK National Crime
Agency Command in matters of young people suffering abuse and specializes in
helping victims of MK Ultra Monarch mind control in the Music
Industry/MOVIE/FASHION/ANYWHERE where peoples Human Rights are abused NO ABUSER
IS SAFE ON PLANET EARTH it is just a matter of time until they are brought to
Justice they have nowhere to hide GOD will show them up so support the winning
side. Thank You. If you would like to donate to this noble lifesaving cause
'give with confidence' to
 CONTACT: Kerry McKenna Children's
services manager: TEL: 08000087005 or follow our links @twitter @tumblr
@blogger @Facebook etc or email
JESUS CHRIST of PALESTINE is the Chief Trustee of the TSCTUK


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