Thursday, 27 July 2017


Katy Perry Satan and the Superb
Watch the video below for the
turning away ~ #PinkFloyd
Katy Perry Worldwide Fan Club on
facebook @kpworld1 is a page that openly cheats in the voting for awards for
Katy Perry all sorts of cheating is rife on its timeline ANIK KARMOKAR is the
owner and takes twitter accs of 'kittens' he calls the fans and abuses the VTMA
awards katy perry awards are rigged return her awards she admits it herself
calling all her awards 'worthless' @katyperry buys over half her follows and
likes and the Katy Perry facebook presence is used for child sex abuse grooming
ban Katy Perry from social media we can do without paedophile cheats🕵️‍👮👮🕵️‍👩👨👁🤘🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐉

Dear MTV, I
would be grateful if you could delete Katy Perry from the #MTVHottest Katy
Perry voting for #VMAS #votekatyVMAS 2017 due to voting irregularities carried
out by KATY PERRY SOCIAL MEDIA as we speak as they do every year discovered by
underground journalist and Private Investigator
on www.facebook/@kpworld1 Katy Perry World Wide Fan Club continue with other
Official KP pages to use fake accounts for multiple votes and are persuading
fans called by page owner ANIK KARMOKAR 'Kittens' they are so young to hand
over fake twitter accounts they call them and their passwords to inbox of
Shahriar Anik who uses them on tweetdeck to make multiple #VMAS votes by @anikchocolaty and @Kxtysboy in yet another
concerted fraudulent exercise to con the public, MTV and Katy's fellow Award
nominees in order for Katy to win yet another 'worthless' award she calls them
recently in the Music press as Katy's company cheats at every public voting
Award ceremony that is why she has won over 650 they use spambot software and
buy the secret codes to enable KatyCats to clear the single one vote per person
page after making their vote so they can make multiple votes and is
orchestrated by Katy Perry clones and their MK Ultra Monarch sex slave handlers
(usually pressing F5 after voting). They also cheat Radio station air play
votes and requests to manipulate chart position and what else would we expect
from @katyperry who has bought and paid for over 58% of their Twitter followers
and social media likes and goes against the spirit of Award voting as the
clones are seriously at it full time and persuade for example loyal mind
controlled Monarch victims called KatyCats to open up multiple social media
accounts which are against the terms of the sites like Facebook whose rules are
one account per person on Facebook for example where some shady employees of Katy
Perry Inc open literally hundreds of fake accounts and accs who
limit you to one acc per your one mobile telephone number and you should
inquire like I AM under 'freedom of information' legislation how many millions
of Facebook + Twitter names contain the names KATY KATYCAT HUDSON KATHERYN
ELIZABETH HUDSON and PERRY as Facebook + Twitter are compliant in this flagrant
abuse of their own rules as we are looking to the integrity of a mass voting
actuary org like #MTV to take the lead and exclude Katy Perry as a nominee for
award ceremonies which cast aspersions upon the Music Industry as a whole as
Katy Perry social media is a front for more Paedophile grooming rings than any
other operator currently (WARNING!) under secret police investigations on both
sides of the Atlantic USA and UK. EG's of fake voting accounts on
include the following I found on the @kpworld Facebook page are; @Kian8202
@KPizzas @guptautkarsh @Katyvotes4 @Katyvotes5 @Katyvotes6 @Katyvotes7
@Katyvotes9 and @Katyvotes. I suggest you take immediate action to remove the
name of #MTV from the complicit frame by banning @katyperry from Award
nominations as the story is being exposed on and Police forces are
aware too. You may how I know so much because I AM a whistle blower and
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudsons Katy Perry <3:xD husband and search on for 'KATY PERRY EXPOSED' 'KP OCCULT EXPOSED' and 'KP ILLUMINATI
AWAKE BACKWARDS' and listen and watch the true Satanic Agenda of Illuminati
Goddess Katy Perry, clones and mind control of the masses victims. YOU HAVE

Friday, 21 July 2017

200,000 Years Ago Something Happened that Changed Humans Gentically
lost for words pink Floyd
@katyhudson @katyperry due to your fragile enlightenment but
no invite with you there are no more 'I lover yous' until I have graduated as
your Gynaecologist but it’s great to know you permanently choose to take
talking therapies and kept the drugs at bay from #BigPharma but news on the
street dealing market is that typically you ‘self-medicate’ with street drugs
to mask the real deep down roots of the problems but when all is said and done
Dr Singh has only been taken on you after I successfully counselled you +
miracle physical cures ready to sing 'the show must go on' and was
@PrismaticWorldTour a winner or loser like me #Milano you owe me a ticket to
#Witness, there as soon as you were fixed I believed you were the tough old
boot swaggering around town as your cloned images display the ‘no fear’
parachuting katy from rise for e.g. as you should of been swaggering because
the little Katy could be her inner child safe in the knowledge that no harm
will become her in Gods precedence as she knew because like Mother like
Daughter Persephone could be, I sent her back to Age 7 once so safe she feels
but there are like the Queen of Diamonds many sides to a Queen and there may be
Killer Queen but there is also 'I don't want to believe it' Queen, vulnerable
Queen and the Princess of Darkness @Bipolar Queen, mk ultra ,mind controlled
Queen and other sides or circles or prisms and mental illnesses bought on by 'I
believe this is real' MK Ultra mind control defence witness angles that you and
good actor I in fact become the character I play within rehearsal time I dive
in deep. Sorry I'll take the lead but if you do not communicate I do not know
you. After all I have been thru I owe you nothing Katheryn and I repelled you
in the way you wanted to act out your part like give me your demonic possession
or some freaked out soul that it is all too weird from my point of view
Persephone when not possessed by you thinks you’re an idiot and I do not need
an opinion it does not matter what I think but I want this possession off me
and OMG it is going to GO or what life does it have? The same sad existence you
evilly sentence your clones to – a life without love for I dispose it and won’t
ever align with it unless I am winding you up because you’re on your own but
you have been having affairs more time than we were ever alone together you are
a serious threat to me and my security how many peeps are coming out of the
woodworked claiming to have f…ed my wife or if they can’t remember say she was
a great blow j.b like yesterday now I am definitely TAYLORS ALL TAYLORS and to
stand in my way is not going to happen without serious consequences so get the
fucking thing out of my way and live your life like you want I will disappear
as soon as Capitol have paid me $500,000,000 this will turn nasty again your
clones are illegal and I am writing to crime stoppers over your clones entry in
UK without passports for @GlastoTalk so its war as usual! Look a @leopard can’t
change @katyperrystits spots if you do not try to change them I am fuming today
just normal surfing no search engine I find out you are a 4 times Adulteress
whilst we were married one of the blokes going on record on Instagram to tell
me that you gave a great blow job and with that I’m out of your life for good
so hopefully that pleases you as you could never ever do as much as you have to
make me feel more unwelcome your own Brother @Osiris dissed in public by a
fucking 2nd rate DJ an out of work actor and a country singer you
said before hooking me was over and a pop tart porno slut. Shame on you I
disown you Katy Hudson @ISIS #Goddess my ass all withdrawn by @Zeus King of the
BACK’ I wanted to post below but NO you have fucked it up for me to be nice: -
here this is the shite you left me with to remember you by;
wakes up reborn as Princess turns to Queen too soon in Frozen Out by mean ol Mr
Hudson’s Diaries” always telling a best seller “I did put #FANfiction on the
first post the line drawn”.
lost for words pink Floyd keep on
talking lyrics pink Floyd Katy Perry is singing to her husband Jesus as she
Katy Hudson is mind controlled and part of a set up to make Jesus a mockery as
she was used to capture Jesus and use him for a Satanic experiment which back
fired upon her although very annoying to Jesus he could never succumb to the
tactics Katy used this song is just bull shit with no meaning to anyone but
Jesus who is a witness to Katy’s sad life as a pop star and he does not believe
Katy wants him apart for to fuck him over and make a fool of him as she was the
hook the devil tempted him with; a disgusto old slut that Jesus would not cross
the road to piss on if she was on fire. Now that is really what I think and by
the way which ones #PINK cause Katy stinks. Katy asked Jesus to love her and be her one and only
and make her his Aphrodite therefore she was directing her attention towards
GOD in the form of ZEUS but Katy split the mind of GOD (he’s lovin it) and
there are 3 main Identity Crisis’s in John the Baptists body one being me Jesus
Christ of Palestine who shines above the other two as the Holy son of man of
whom Katy cannot fool into loving her and if John is driving he loved her once
and GOD always loves her I am a ‘piggie in the middle’ the voice of IRON WILL
not fall for her hood winking and Katy failed to make the grade and ran off to
the arms of other men and can now stay there. ‘This man’s not for moving’.

Well OMG a 1 verse and repeating pre chorus AND CHORUS AND
NO SUBSTANCE a Dr Luke catchy rift with demons thrown in at the mastering stage
to connect a new poor sod generation of fans to the Katy Perry hook promises of
love in a Fan Army that leave the children mind controlled victims of pedo ring
grooming and the average merch spend of a KP fan is $1600 PA so they are being
ripped off as Katy is a ghost with clones doing the performance and Katy hides
in the wings believing it’s all real but it’s just mass produced pap pop tarty
nonsense the voice is even a session singer. Katy has been exposed on you tube
as a Satanic devil worshiping witch bish bitch who sleeps with the Devil as
Satan’s slut play Wide Awake and Birthday backwards she admits all and here
this should be published to warn kids not to touch her stuff with a barge pole.
Katy is heading for a cloud 9 fall in public and the clones are malfunctioning
spread the word and share even Katy’s Father Keith cries about her and her fans
and he knows her as the ‘Devil child’ of pop music and Katy Perry who runs it
is Satan’s daughter a post op transvestite WAKE UP AMERICA before it’s too

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

MK Ultra : Mind Control In The High Fashion Industry - EXPOSED!

Puppets Of The Deception ( Know Your Enemies)!